4-H outdoor camps

Challenge One teens working together on a low-rope balance challenge.
4-H Residence Camp
This was our 75th year of hosting Clackamas County 4-H Residence Camp. Over 80 youth (ages 9-14) and 12 teen counselors attended in 2018. This out-of-doors, close-family living experience teaches life skills and fosters an appreciation of the environment.
“We work with each camper to help them develop new skills, focus on teamwork and give them opportunities for discovery through crafts, special games, hikes, canoeing, archery, swimming and numerous other activities,” said Jan Williams, 4-H Youth Development Faculty. “The older (teen) campers have the opportunity to participate in the Challenge One and Two Leadership and team-building activities that include a low ropes course and a special camp-out that adds to the fun!”

4-H Cloverbud Day Camps give youth a chance to explore their world!
Fun, Friendship and Exploration at Cloverbuds Day Camp
More than 24 youth, ages (5-8) years old explored forests, meadows and ponds to find out what lives there, during 4-H Cloverbud Day Camps in 2018. Campers also made Hula Hoops, did crafts, heard stories and went on hikes to discover and explore the different ecosystems found at Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Beavercreek. Oregon Cloverbuds is an informal education program designed to give youth an opportunity to explore the fun world of 4-H.