4-H Rabbit Club Members Featured in Portland-based Movie

4-H cast members and Director Debra Granik (second from the right) after shooting their scene in Oregon City. 4-H participants included, Daniel Johnson, Ben Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Clara Hiltebrand, Elijah Hiltebrand, Caitlin McCabe, Ella Van Wiel, Morgan Copeland, Alyssa Welter, Lola Melendez, Jake Allen, Tyler Bank, Kira Knox, Brekkan Richardson, Leland Blair and Tyler Blank.
Clackamas County 4-H members enjoyed a bit of celebrity status after the release of the Portland-based move, Leave No Trace. Many locals may remember the story of an army vet and his 13-year-old daughter, found in 2004 living a mysterious existence in Forest Park, rarely making contact with the outside world.
Part of the journey involves the daughter attending a 4-H Rabbit Club meeting as she explores her new world. The activity depicted in the scene, Rabbit Showmanship, is a real thing that 4-Hers do with their animals, according to Wendy Hein, Clackamas Extension faculty, 4-H Youth Development. “They handle the rabbits and check them for signs of good health just as the movie shows,” said Hein. The 4-H scene was shot in a barn in Oregon City, where 14 Clackamas County 4-H members and one adult volunteer participated in a full day shoot with their rabbits.
The 4-H members that appeared in the film were invited to a special cast and crew screening held in Portland in June before the movie debut. Leave No Trace is now available online through several video streaming services.
Watch the Bleeker Street Official Trailer