4-H members shine in county, state
and national skills contests

Clackamas County 4-H Dog Bowl State Champion Team and State 4-H Spring Classic Administrators.
Can you name five breeds of beef cattle and their country of origin? Explain horse color genetics? Identify foods high in vitamin A? These are just a sample of the topics that 4-H members study when they participate in judging, quiz bowl, and communications contests.
Becoming open to challenge and discovery is an important developmental process. “We want members to grow and learn each year, resulting in a deeper understanding of their chosen project areas,” says Wendy Hein, 4-H Faculty member in Clackamas County. That is why the Clackamas County 4-H program offers dozens of events like Dog Bowl, Livestock Judging, Hippology, Presentations contests, and Family and Consumer Science Challenge classes during the year.
Members who study hard and do well in local events are selected to represent the county at the Oregon 4-H Spring Classic. Clackamas County 4-H had 70 entrants in last year’s virtual contest. Top teams at the Spring Classic are eligible to compete in national events.
In 2022, Clackamas County members will be representing Oregon 4-H in Horse Bowl, Horse Presentations, Livestock Judging, Livestock Quiz Bowl, and the Livestock Skills Contest. Carol Bridges has coached several Horse Bowl teams to the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup. “I am so proud of this team, how the four youth have worked together and supported each other while studying for the competition and raising funds for the trip,” Bridges said.
“The year after we send a team to nationals, we see an increase in the number of younger members attending our county events,” says Hein. “The national team members tell other youth about their experience and how much they enjoyed traveling and touring another state. They inspire the next age group to rise to the challenge.”
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