Hands-on Education for new OSU Master Gardeners

(Marcia McIntyre, metro area OSU Extension Service Master Gardener Program Representative) Master Gardener trainees participating in hands-on plant identification class
Experienced Master Gardeners share their knowledge with incoming students.
To enrich our 2022 OSU Extension Service Master Gardener training, we ventured into the garden and offered 36 hands-on workshops for Master Gardener trainees. Nineteen garden-focused topics were presented, which ranged from ‘Insect Identification’ to ‘Gardening for Wildlife.” The workshops were made possible thanks to a team of experienced Master Gardener volunteers who developed and delivered the engaging hands-on instruction. Class slots were filled by 388 students. Participants shared their appreciation for the hands-on opportunity: “The instructors were top-notch”, “I loved being in the garden, seeing plant pests and diseases up close.” These science-based workshops support OSU Master Gardener volunteers serving as effective community educators, guiding Oregonians in sustainable and successful gardening practices.
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