Promoting Healthy Lifestyles with Apple Pressing

Hundreds of kids lined up for their turn on the old fashion apple press during the 8th annual cider event at the Oregon City Farmers Market.
Nothing says fall like fresh pressed apple cider. Families enjoyed tasting the seasonal bounty of apples during the 8th Annual Apple Pressing event organized by OSU Family and Community Health (FCH) at the Oregon City Farmers Market in October.
Kids formed an assembly line to drop freshly sliced apples into the shaft, crank the handle, and watch the fresh juice cascade out of the old fashion apple press.
A variety of apples donated by market vendors were prepped by OSU Master Food Preserver volunteers, then pressed into cider by the kids using an old fashion apple press. They waited anxiously as the cider was heated to 160 degrees F and then sampled market-wide.
“It always amazes me how many people comment on the difference in taste between fresh pressed apple juice and the cider that they buy at the grocery store,” said Kelly Streit, Instructor with the FCH program in Clackamas County.
FCH organizes the free event annually as a way of bringing families together for fun activities around healthy food.
Watch a video from the cider pressing event.