Ask a Master Gardener!
Traditionally, OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers have answered gardening questions at the Clackamas County Fair, area Farmers Markets and volunteering at our Clackamas County office Helpline. With the suspension of face-to-face volunteer service due to COVID-19, the metro Master Gardener program worked quickly to find a way to continue to serve the public’s need for answers to their gardening questions.
Utilizing an online customer service platform, area Master Gardeners are now just a click, call or email away for access to reliable answers to gardening questions.
Since July, over 800 community members have been assisted through the Master Gardener Helpline, adding to the over 400 contacts received in our office prior to the mid-March shutdown. We are neighbors helping neighbors with sound, sustainable gardening advice. Ask a Master Gardener! We’re here for you!
Contact us by visiting:

OSU Master Gardener answering a garden question via the Master Gardener Helpline.