SNAP-Ed Delivers Healthy Celebration Events at Estacada, Sandy, and Canby Elementary Schools

SNAP-Ed partnered with local schools to successfully implement two Healthy Celebration events highlighting seasonal fruits and vegetables in 2022.
Nearly 1,000 Pre-K through 5th grade students, representing Sandy, Estacada, and Canby schools participated in an “Apple Crunch” event organized by the SNAP-Ed Program Assistants and were delivered by classroom teachers. Food Hero coloring sheets, word searches, monthly newsletters, and recipes, along with additional activity ideas were provided to the schools. This was followed by a delivery of Mackintosh and Melrose apples purchased from Albeke Farms in Oregon City.
Students participated in a taste-testing event and voted on their favorites. Comments from the students included “This apple is sweeter than the other,” “These are the best applies I have ever eaten,” and “I love the greenish one.”
The other Healthy Celebration event was titled “National Spinach Day.” 660 students representing three schools participated. Storybooks, Food Hero coloring sheets, word searches, and samples of the Popeye Smoothie recipe, along with some fun facts about Popeye, BEPA 2.0 (Be Physically Active 2Day) games, and stickers were provided. 17 classrooms went on to participate in the Grow This! Gardening Challenge and received spinach seeds, soil voucher cards to purchase soil, and planting supplies.
Plans are underway to continue delivery of these celebrations in 2023.