Video demonstrates safe home canning of Oregon seafood

Kelly Streit (left) and Amanda Gladics shoot a demonstration video on home canning Oregon seafood at the OSU Extension Service Annex in Oregon City.
Pressure canning is the only safe way to home can fish and seafood. With that in mind, the OSU Extension Family and Community Health and Oregon Sea Grant programs collaborated to produce a demonstration video titled “Home Canning of Oregon Seafood.” The video provides step-by-step instructions on preparing the pressure canner, filling the jars, loading the canner, monitoring the canning process, and checking the jar seals prior to storage. It replaces the hands-on workshops offered by Clackamas County Master Food Preserver volunteers prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We hope the video will increase knowledge and confidence for new and seasoned canners who want to enjoy Oregon seafood all year long.
Watch and learn: