A New and Improved Oregon Farm Direct Marketing Law
Good news for agricultural producers who want to produce and sell low-risk farm direct, value-added products directly to consumers without having to obtain a processing license. Due to the efforts of Friends of Family Farmers, the Oregon State Extension Service and community stakeholders, SB507 was passed and signed into law earlier this year. Below is a list of the amendments that are included in the new law:

• Product list expanded to include Bigleaf and walnut syrup, fruit and vegetable juices, herbal blends (herbal tea or dried herbs)
• Steam canning and freeze drying added as allowable food preservation methods
• Sales/delivery channels expanded to include intrastate online sales and consignment sales
• Gross sale limit increased to $50,000/year
The FCH Program and Small Farms Program are planning to deliver educational workshops to agricultural producers on the new law in early 2024. In addition to interpreting the rules and regulations, the workshops will also address label design, pH testing, food safety, scaling up production, and accessing additional resources. OSU Master Food Preserver volunteers will be available to deliver topical hands-on workshops to teach research-based food preservation techniques. Check the OSU Small Farms website: for additional details.