Coming to Your Community: A New and Improved
Master Food Preserver Volunteer Program

Master Food Preserver volunteer making blackcap jelly.
The Master Food Preserver Volunteer Program is changing. In addition to delivering topical research-based food preservation and food safety education and training to folks who want to safely home can foods that their family can enjoy year-round, it is also adopting some broader Food Security and Safety Program Goals that align with several priority areas established by the OSU Extension Service, Oregon Health Authority, and the National Cooperative Extension Service, including:
1. Promote access to healthy, affordable, culturally relevant food for individuals, families, and communities
2. Support community efforts to build a resilient food system that can withstand disruptions to food access
3. Equip Oregonians with research-based knowledge and skills to promote a safe food supply at home
To begin the transition, the Family and Community Health program launched a seven-week, comprehensive Master Food Preserver (MFP) Volunteer training, using a hybrid format. New volunteers living in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties attended Zoom classes addressing food preservation, food safety and food waste reduction, and participated in hands-on skills-building labs at the Clackamas County Extension Annex. Following the completion of the training, new volunteers were paired with a mentor to help guide their programming efforts directed at the Food Security and Safety Program Goals mentioned above.
Look for OSU MFP volunteers to partner with community organizations in 2024 to deliver a variety of programming that addresses community needs and help ensure access to healthy, affordable, and culturally relevant foods for all.