FCH staff shifts work to help with
emergency response efforts
While SNAP-Ed and other FCH direct delivery programming was put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, FCH staff stepped out of their educator role and stepped into a volunteer role to provide assistance at four vaccination clinics held at the Clackamas County Event Center in February and March, 2021.
Working alongside Clackamas County, Safeway/Albertsons, and other OSU Extension staff and community volunteers, FCH staff donned safety vests and assisted with parking and traffic management, helped facilitate the check-in process, and monitored patients following their COVID vaccination.
“It was heartening to engage with so many people as they eagerly anticipated their COVID vaccination and observe collective sighs of relief from newly vaccinated individuals as they departed the Event Center,” remarked Kelly Streit, Senior Instructor with FCH in Clackamas County.
Over 700 people received their COVID vaccination at each of these events.
The FCH staff donated close to 40 volunteer hours towards the administration of the vaccination clinics. The experience also served as a reminder of the importance of community volunteers who assist with the delivery of OSU Extension Service programs on a daily basis. It all makes a difference.

OSU Extension helped with paperwork and logistics for 880 people who received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a clinic held at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds in Canby on March 31, 2021.