“Grow This! Challenge” inspires new
and experienced gardeners to grow
The Grow This! Challenge encouraged individuals, families, schools, community groups and counties to come together around gardening activities at home, school, and community garden sites in the spring of 2021. Participants initially received a packet that contained four different types of seeds to plant; pollinator, cold crop, warm crop, and an herb. As the weeks progressed, they were able access weekly educational videos and tips to enhance their gardening experience and increase their probability of success in growing each of the different seeds.
The project represented a collaborative effort between multiple community partners. Bi-Mart donated the seeds, OSU’s Food Hero program developed the videos, and the SNAP-Ed Family and Community Health team facilitated the distribution of the seeds. The OSU Master Gardener program also supported the project.
Clackamas County distributed 2424 seed packets to 1706 individuals living in both urban and rural areas of the county. First-time gardeners, as well as experienced gardeners took the challenge. Participants reported that the program was, “fun and educational.”