Fire Aware, Fire Prepared

This home survived the Beachie Fire because it was designed and maintained to resist fire. Fire Aware, Fire Prepared webinars help people prepare homes and landscapes to reduce risk of severe fire damage.
Following the Labor Day fires of 2020, another bad fire season in 2021 heightens our concerns about wildfire risks. Through webinars and other online resources, our OSU Extension Fire Aware, Fire Prepared campaign is helping people and their communities prepare for fire and reduce risks of damage from fire. The program includes 10 webinars and a resource packet produced by regional fire specialists in collaboration with your local Extension staff. A sample of titles, includes Reducing Fire Risk From home to landscape, Building community for wildfire resilience, Be ready, Be set, Go!, When fire hits, After the fire, Prioritizing your home hardening approach, Prescribed fire, and more. We also produced local Wildfire Preparedness sessions to connect people with key contacts and resources available in their community.
The Oregon Legislature passed Senate Bill 762, which provides $20 million for Landscape-scale projects reducing wildfire risk and $5 million supporting landowner wildfire risk reduction. OSU Extension will be working with Oregon Department of Forestry and other partners to help landowners and communities plan and implement projects. Watch our website for updates on opportunities to take advantage of these and other fire preparedness programs.
Opportunities to connect: