Sustaining Forestry Education
through COVID pandemic

OSU Forestry and Natural Resources had to adapt its outreach methods during the COVID pandemic, but we are keeping pace with the seasonal cycles of forest growth and woodland management.
Our Tree School Online webinars provide year-round learning opportunities for woodland owners and residents, covering a wide range of needs. Last year, we worked with Oregon Forest Resources Institute and the Oregon Partnership for Forestry Education to produce 19 new webinars with a total of 1,388 attendees.
These were added to our growing library of 48 recorded Tree School webinars, a lasting educational resource utilized by 6,242 viewers on YouTube in 2021. Titles include: Overcoming Reforestation Challenges, Managing to Keep your Forest Healthy, Carbon in Oregon’s Managed Forests, Managing your Forest with Fire in Mind, Diamonds Under the Doug-fir, Spacing and Thinning Young Stands, Small Engine Care, and Native Trees of Western Oregon and more.
Your Clackamas Forestry Extension team provides a hub for forest learning. In addition to Tree School Online, opportunities in 2021 included the Basic Woodland Management course, Fire Aware-Fire Prepared webinars, and Journey Down the Clackamas Forest sessions. Field Tours and In-person Workshops included a Reforestation field day, Pole Management field day and Clackamas Woodland Farmer of the Year tours. Since COVID continues to cause uncertainty for planning indoor classes, Extension will rely on more outdoor learning activities in the forest for in-person programs in 2022. We are also available for individual consultations via telephone, email, and field visits by appointment. Find Connect with us information on page 8.
Tree school videos and webinars: