Ensuring Healthy, Resilient Forest Trees and Ecosystems

OSU Extension Forestry Agent, Glenn Ahrens looking for needle disease on Douglas-fir. Glenn serves as your local forest health specialist answering hundreds of sick tree calls each year.
Forest and tree health issues are top concerns identified by woodland owners in Clackamas County. That’s why classes, workshops, and volunteer training programs by OSU Extension continue to focus on implementing more productive, sustainable and environmentally sound forestry and natural resource practices.
Advanced classes at the Master Woodland Manager Volunteers Mini-College covered root diseases, estimated to affect 10-15% of woodlands in northwest Oregon. Several classes at the annual Tree School and a key section of Extension’s basic woodland management course are devoted to forest and tree health each year.
In order to handle hundreds of “sick tree” calls over the years, Extension Forestry Agent Glenn Ahrens serves as your local forest health specialist. “After so many years, I’ve gotten to know a wide range of problems affecting tree species in our area, from the valley to the mountains, over wet years and dry years,” said Ahrens. With changing conditions and threats from invasive species, OSU Extension is also here to apply diagnostic principles and consult with other experts to identify new issues that you may encounter.