Meet Amanda Brenner, new Extension Forestry Education Program Assistant

Amanda Brenner, new Extension Forestry Education Program Assistant.
Amanda began her work with us last August, filling the position formerly held by Rose Clarke. Amanda’s background includes wildfire preparedness education, natural resource management, environmental education, and outdoor recreation. She moved to Oregon from Colorado last spring and got acquainted with Oregon forests through her summer job on the Tillamook State Forest. Her job duties include coordinating Tree School and assisting with all aspects of our Extension Forestry and Natural Resource Program throughout the year. Amanda has a reputation as an excellent communicator and coordinator, which came in handy as she joined the team coordinating the 30th annual Tree School, set for March 21, 2020.
“After nearly six months in my position, I have already learned so much, said Amanda. “We have a good team here, and I look forward to being a part of all of the exciting forestry programs we offer throughout the year.”